Facebook and Partner App Suffer Major Outage Worldwide!
Social Media leading apps Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram suffer major outage today on 4th October, 2021. WhatsApp, Instagram and Partner app of Facebook stop working from 4PM(GMT+ in Pakistan) onward.
It happens few this year when in July WhatsApp server was down. This type of outage mostly happens due to hacking, a button click or some technical fault.
Facebook Owner Tweet
This time, Facebook Owner Post on Twitter says, "It's technical fault and we found it and are working on it."
Cause of Outage
It has been mentioned by Facebook, due to networking issue and our Team are working on it and soon will it start working. Facebook says it's stop working for a few users but few users is not a small deal because millions of users using social apps everyday and few users is supposed to be millions of users worldwide.
Still Down After 6 to 7 Hours
A few hours later, Instagram and Facebook start working a little but you cannot send or recieve messages or post comments and images. A very few services have been restored o some users.
Wrong Concept Behind Facebook
This has been a misleading concept behind Facebook that Facebook prioritize its profit over users demand but this is not a confirm way because Facebook and WhatsApp are contantly working on updates and security, spending Billions of Billions Dollars to maintain its privacy, security and Engagement all over Globe.
People Response, Tweets and Memes
#facebookdown and #deletefacebook has been top trending topic on twitter from last few hours. and people are sharing memes showing like this:
Facebook is Back. Instagram is Back. WhatsApp is Back. and People are rushing from twitter back to these social apps in thousands.